1986: Galen Leintz purchased Clearwater Supervalu in Bagley from Dennis Fonkert. The store was only 3500 square feet in size with aisles so narrow that undersized shopping carts had to be used. One year later Galen's son Greg and his wife Marsha moved to Bagley, Greg worked in the store meat department while Marsha got a job at Clearwater County Memorial Hospital.

1992: The adjacent building to the south which had been "Francis Floral Shop" was purchased and demolished to add on to the store, doubling its size to 7000 square feet. Greg became the store manager at this time.

2002: Greg purchased the store from his father Galen, who was ready for retirement. The name of the store was only slightly changed to "Galens Supermarket".

2018: Bagley Mercantile Hardware, was owned by the Lee Family for several generations, most recently by Dave and Cindi Lee who were ready to retire. Greg and Marsha purchased the building, which was nearly 100 years old and at the end of its usefulness. It was demolished to make room for the new, combined store. Greg & Aaron Leintz and Kyle Crist undertook the project of expanding Galens to its current size of 10,500 sq. ft. and adding a parking lot for the first time in the history of the store. Galens Fresh Food Market & Hardware Hank now offers Groceries and Hardware under one roof. Aaron Leintz is now the store manager, making him the 3rd generation in the Leintz family business.